Monday 30 June 2008


Yesterday's fortune on one of my social networking profile said: "You would do well to expand your business". This is a rather promising idea and I would really love to follow the well-meaning fortune-teller's advice (or whoever gets paid by Google to predict people's fortune). But the only problem is- I DON'T HAVE A BUSINESS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!

Yesterday's fortune is followed by today's "You will spend old age in comfort and material wealth". I think this "material wealth" will be generated from my nonexistent but expanding business.

Saturday 21 June 2008

Business Lingo

Have you ever noticed the number of times people like to use the words 'pre-preparedness' and 'forward-planning' in their speeches? I am confused- is there any other kind of preparedness or planning?

Compulsory vocab

I live in a culturally diverse hall of residence. Most of the people who live here come to London to study the Queen's language. Given the level of English these people come here with, I think it is a miracle that they even manage to find their way to this residence hidden away in North London.

Today, while standing in the usual long queue in the dinning room, waiting to be served my 'chicken and mushroom au vol', I had an epiphany. As I stood hearing my housemates, I realised that irrespective of the future-graduates-of-English-languages' ability to describe their mother/fatherland in 5 simple sentences, they do make sure that they come to the UK with a comprehensive vocabulary of popular English slangs. I found that the phrase 'f***ing s**t' a particular favourite amongst them. Of course, several variations of the phrase were liberally used to punctuate their conversation.

Saturday 9 June 2007


Why do people write blogs?? To express views; but why do it under some pseudo name? To maintain anonymity?

I think this is the main cause of starting a blog. But eventually is this anonymity retained? After some comments on our blogs, we give out our email address, make friends and end up having a non-virtual, real-life coffee. To all such people, why go incognito?? Start off with your real names...makes more sense, doesn't it?

An attempt to begin

I have never been one of those who have religiously kept a journal. My efforts to keep a regular account of my interpretation of this world started since I was 15. Since then I am a proud author of 20-25 entries (that includes all the times that I got inspired by the late Anne Frank). Needless to say my attempts have been injected with year(s) long breaks; and I am sure this electronic attempt (given it looks more attractive [?] than traditional white paper and pen) will have the same fate. So why bother? The thing is I often find it very difficult to find some scapegoat who will listen patiently to my personal philosophies. Writing down helps in getting these thoughts out my brain as I need free cells for more important causes.

So, here's to the next 25 posts over the next 7 years!